Email Newsletters & Campaigns: Stay Clear of the Spam Box
Email marketing is often maligned but it is far from dead. Nearly everyone checks their email daily, and 86% of consumers report they want to receive emails from brands they do business with. But, they only want it if you are emailing valuable content.
Unfortunately, most of our email inboxes are flooded with a barrage of automated, irrelevant or uninteresting email that no one will open.
Boost your email campaign opening rates with information and offers your customers want. I will research your audience and then craft a content strategy to effectively target your messages.
Tips For Better Email Campaigns
Here are four things your next email campaign should have.
Read Worthy Text
Effective email campaigns need to be adeptly written to attract and hold attention.
Great Imagery
People skim read to see if the email is worth their time. Images stand out and are processed quicker by our brains. Be sure your email is filled with interesting graphics.
Responsive Design
Email campaigns must be designed for all devices on which users can read their emails — desktop, tablet, and smartphone. Email campaigns that are designed for mobile devices are especially important, since that is where most people are checking…and quickly deleting their email.
An Appropriate Call-to-Action
Effective emails must contain a meaningful call-to-action. What do you want people to do after they have spent their valuable time consuming your great content?